Who We Are
If you are a gay or bi-sexual man who is currently or has been in relationships with women, you are not alone. Gay Fathers and Husbands of NE Ohio understands.


The Gay Fathers and Husbands of NE Ohio is an informal association of gay and bi-sexual men who typically have in common current or past marriages or partnered relationships with women. Some individuals may have natural or adopted children from these relationships.

What We Do
Provide a support and communications network for gay and bi-sexual fathers and husbands throughout Northeast Ohio and the surrounding area
Promote the common interests of gay and bi-sexual fathers and their families
Provide opportunities for social interaction between gay and bi-sexual fathers and husbands and their children, friends and supporters
Promote a positive image of gay fathers and encourage acceptance of alternative parenting
How We Do It
Members of the Gay Fathers and Husbands group meet monthly to discuss issues and needs held in common and to offer support to one another by sharing experiences, encouragement, and hope.


Friends and supporters are welcome at the meetings and guests may be invited to address special topics. The group determines the purpose and direction of meetings. Attendance will range from as few as 8 to as many as 30 or more. Meetings are casual and there are no dues.

Your Information is Safe with Us
Your name is not required to contact us. However, let’s be honest, providing us with your first name does make our return communication a bit more personal.


If you don’t ask to be added to our email list, neither your name nor your email address will be retained.


If you ask to be added to our email list, your email will be saved anonymously and will never be visible to other members of the group, so your anonymity is assured.